Casual.PM Blog

Spectators Feature: Invite project spectators on Casual for free

Hello everyone,

It seems like there’s a neat feature on Casual that some of you might not even know about - Spectators.

In short, it means that you can have free additional users on top of your Casual plan!

Let me tell you how it works.

Casual features 3 types of users:

  1. Leader - this super user can do whatever he likes in a project. He can create tasks, delete tasks, write notes, comments and a lot of other great things. This role is usually assigned to a manager or someone who bears the complete responsibility over the project.
  2. Participant - this user can’t create or delete tasks. He can’t alter the project plan. He can only execute tasks, write notes, write comments and assign other executors. Participants are usually the peeps on your team responsible for keeping the project on track.
  3. Spectators - these users can only overview the entire project and leave comments in a respective comment section. And, the best part is - you can invite anyone to become a spectator via email. You don’t need to pay for these viewers and invite as many spectators as you like.

Why would somebody want to be “spectator” user? I mean, there’s not much you can do within this role.

Well, not quite. Here’s just a few ways how our community is using this special role:

  • Some of our users present their work progress via Casual to THEIR own clients. In this case, a client doesn’t need the ability to execute tasks or set up deadlines, he just needs to see the current state of affairs and comment on tasks if necessary. And our users benefit in this case, because they don’t need to pay extra to present their work in a professional and efficient manner.
  • You don’t have to purchase a bigger plan on Casual to reach more people in your company. Use Spectator's role to invite more people from your team on your Casual canvas for free.

Check out this short tutorial to learn how you can assign different roles to the users:

Maximize the value they get from Casual by using this simple feature!